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School Uniform

School sweatshirt with logo or royal blue cardigan or royal blue sweatshirt

School polo shirt with logo or royal blue or white polo shirt

Dark grey school trousers or dark grey school skirts – any style

Dark grey shorts and blue and white dresses in the summer term if preferred

Sensible, safe, well fastened school shoes

No nail polish, jewellery, transfers or hair dye

Stud earrings only can be worn but must be removed or covered for PE

Long hair to be fastened off the face and tied back

Red school book bag



P.E. Kit

Blue T-shirt with logo/ plain white T-shirt

Blue or black shorts

Supportive trainers suitable for field and playground

Dark blue sweatshirt / fleece

Dark blue/ grey jogging bottoms

Long hair tied back

Stud earrings to be removed or covered


It is essential substantial and supportive trainers are provided for PE.  These should support the feet and fit appropriately.  Please do not purchase fashion trainers or converse type shoes as they do not provide the required amount of support for active lessons.


All school branded items can be purchased from our school supplier.  Please ask the School Office for details.



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